What is Homeopathy

Within the homeopathic profession, the term classical homeopathy is often used. The terms homeopathy and homeopathic are used in a wide variety of clinical styles today. Some of these carefully follow the teachings of Hahnemann as described in The Organon. Others involve clinical approaches that use homeopathic remedies but do not involve any implementation of basic homeopathic philosophy. The consensus on these most important core concepts defining classical homeopathy were determined by stakeholders during a homeopathic summit in 2010. The majority of attendees at the summit agreed that the following points are essential:


  • Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, i.e., the patient’s symptoms which indicate the remedy are the same ones that the remedy was shown to create during its proving.
  • The totality of symptoms displayed by the patient forms a distinct pattern that indicates a single homeopathic remedy, the simillimum.
  • Remedy selection is made through analysis of the case to match the symptom pattern to known proving results. Remedies are not selected by methods with no basis in homeopathic theory such as the use of applied kinesiology, pendulums, radionics, Voll or Interro machines.
  • A single remedy is given at any one time. Remedies are not given in combination.
  • The minimum dose of the remedy necessary to bring about a return to health is given.

The certification process verifies that the homeopath understands these concepts and practices within these guidelines. Certificants are required to sign a statement each year, when certification renewal fees are paid and continuing education documentation is submitted, indicating that their practice is still in classical homeopathy.



  This Website is the official source for the most current certification guidelines. Although the CHC strives to give applicants and credential holders as much advance notices as possible when policies or procedures change, it is the responsibility of the individual to be fully informed about the current application and certification guidelines.